Vision and Mission

- Strategic Plan & Goals -

Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan & Goals

The Saudi Economic Association was established in the Department of Economics at King Saud University, and it has gained great importance among scientific societies for its important and vital role in holding seminars and conferences and publishing scientific research and economic consultancy, in addition to its role of awareness-raising for its employees with all new developments in its field of specialization through cooperation with government agencies and research centers. The association seeks to facilitate the exchange of scientific production and scientific ideas in the economic field between individuals and concerned bodies and institutions. The association holds forums in which specialists from different sides meet, and sometimes organizes courses, lectures, and various cultural and awareness activities.

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Pioneering education and economic awareness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Building a conscious society capable of participating and making effective decisions rationally to keep pace with changes and economic challenges and exploit opportunities.

Strategic Plan

SEA's Strategic Plan:

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That the SEA’s activities be in line with the objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Developing economic thought and working to find a reference for a local economic thought that is open to the world.

Developing the scientific and professional performance of the members of the association and achieving scientific communication between them.

Providing specialized scientific advice in the economic field to the concerned authorities in the public and private sectors.

Facilitate the exchange of scientific production and scientific ideas in the field of the Association's interests between the concerned bodies and institutions inside and outside the Kingdom.

Providing a scientific forum for discussing economic issues.

Representing Saudi economists in Arab and international forums.

Finding links with Arab and international economic and scientific associations and organizations.